Youth service

The services of Youth Services are intended for young people in the Jyväskylä area.You can register for camps and events here via the online shop.

 Jyväskylä Youth Services camps and excursions are intended for children and young people living in Jyväskylä.

Registration for the activities takes place through the online store at Nuorisopalvelut Jyväskylän verkkokauppa ( during 19.9.-9.10.2024. A participation fee will be charged upon registration. You can cancel your registration until 9.10.24 by sending an email to nuorisopalvelut.verkkokauppa(a) The subject line of the message is CANCELLATION. The message includes an action that will be cancelled (e.g. a skate camp) and the participant‘s last name.  

From Thursday 10.10.2024 Cancellations and refunds only with a medical certificate. Do not send a medical certificate until it is requested! Even in these cases, send an email to nuorisopalvelut.verkkokauppa(a) and wait for further instructions. The subject line of the message is CANCELLATION. The message includes the action that will be cancelled (e.g. fishing camp) and the surname of the participant. Participation fees will not be refunded once the camp/excursion has started. A sold out camp/excursion will be removed from the selection of the online store. There is no possibility to queue for vacant seats. Seats available during the registration period will be returned for sale. Possible inquiries for additional information can be sent to nuorisopalvelut.verkkokauppa(a) . The subject line of the message is set to ADDITIONAL INFORMATION QUERY.

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