Skate and break camp



14.-18.10.2024, ma-to klo 10-16, pe klo 12 alkaen

Jyväskylä Skate Hall, Alasinkatu 13, 40320 Jyväskylä

The camp is intended for young people born in 2007-2011.

The themes of the camp are skateboarding and dancing, the dance styles are break and hip hop. During the camp week, you will also learn about DJ work, organizing events, body care and shooting skate and dance videos.

The teachers of the camp are professionals Ramona Panula (dance), MattiWatti (dance/DJ), Heini Luotola (skateboard and body care) and Eppu Vatanen (skateboard). During the camp week, there will also be guest instructors.

The camp is organized simultaneously with the international youth camp organized by Sade ry.  Languages used during the camp are Finnish and English. You can participate in the camp even with minimal experience in skateboarding or dancing. You can bring your own skate equipment, but it is not necessary.

One hot meal is provided during camp days.

The camp can accommodate up to 20 participants, the camp will be arranged if there are at least 10 participants.

Participation fee: 40€ (incl. insurance, meals)

Campers have the opportunity to participate in evening programs organised by Sade ry.

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